Education Is The Investment That Always Pays The Best Interest. Let’s Celebrate!!!


Call/SMS 0746616268/ 0728022700, either Day or Night , Join ICS College The Best College In Kenya, You Can Only Be The Best If You Train With The Best!!!



WhatsApp 0742786963/ 0746616250 either Day or Night



NB: Join us now for our ongoing intake or register for any other future intake and get Free Computer Course and a new T-SHIRT!!!






ICS College, The Best College in Kenya with much pleasure wishes to invite all Students, Friends, and Families to our 2021 Graduation Ceremony that will be held on Friday 10th December 2021, at All Saints Cathedral, Trinity Centre.



Rehearsals and gown collection will take place on Thursday 9th December 2021, Stanbank house 8th floor from 2pm.



The celebration of your achievement and the starting point of your future steps are finally here.




Get the education and attention you deserve.



Your revolution begins here.



Don’t wait for tomorrow, join us today!!!



Our October intake is ongoing, join us now!!!




Let’s get going!!!!




ICS COLLEGE: 2021 GRADUATION CEREMONYEducation Is The Investment That Always Pays The Best Interest. Let’s Celebrate!!! Call/SMS 0746616268/ 0728022700, either Day or Night ,Join ICS College The Best College In Kenya, You Can Only Be The Best If You Train With The Best!!! WhatsApp 0742786963/ 0746616250 either Day or Night NB: Join us now for our ongoing intake or register for any other future intake and get Free Computer Course and a new T-SHIRT!!! BRANCHES: NAIROBI, THIKA, NAKURU, ELDORET, KISUMU, MACHAKOS AND MOMBASA. ICS College, The Best College in Kenya with much pleasure wishes to invite all Students, Friends, and Families to our 2021 Graduation Ceremony that will be held on Friday 10th December 2021, at All Saints Cathedral, Trinity Centre. Rehearsals and gown collection will take place on Thursday 9th December 2021, Stanbank house 8th floor from 2pm. The celebration of your achievement and the starting point of your future steps are finally here. Get the education and attention you deserve. Your revolution begins here. Don’t wait for tomorrow, join us today!!! Our Octomber intake is ongoing, join us now!!! Let’s get going!!!! We have seven major schools namely the School of Hospitality & Languages, School of Beauty & Fashion Design, School of Media Studies, School of Driving Heavy machinery and Plant operator, School of ICT & Engineering, School of Business, and School of Social Sciences. Enroll with us today at any of our campuses in NAIROBI, KISUMU, NAKURU, MOMBASA, ELDORET, THIKA, MACHAKOS and NYERI HOW TO APPLY OR REGISTER; 1. Call/SMS 0746616268/0728022700, either Day or Night 2. WhatsApp 0742786963/0746616250 3. Apply online on our website 4. Use Facebook inbox (Messenger) 5. Visit our: NAIROBI Head Office at Stanbank House (Mr. Price building), 3rd Floor, Moi Avenue, Next to Kenya National Archives, NAIROBI. 6. MOMBASA Branch located at POSTA PENSION TOWERS (GPO), 6th Floor, Along Digo road opposite No Maneno mall, MOMBASA. 7. KISUMU Branch located at ECO BANK TOWERS, 1st Floor along Oginga Odinga Road, Next to the Roundabout, Opposite Co-operative Bank, Kisumu City CBD. 8. ELDORET is Branch located at Tiryo Sugarland Plaza (Formerly UCHUMI) 4th floor, Oloo Street, ELDORET Town. 9. NAKURU Branch is located at STANDARD CHARTERED BUILDING, behind Maasai Market (Adjacent to NCBA Bank) Kenyatta Avenue. Nakuru CBD. 10. THIKA Branch is located at THIKA BUSINESS CENTER 7th FLOOR (Above NAIVAS Supermarket), Commercial Street, THIKA Town. 11. Share on WhatsApp / Apply Online-ICS College. The Best College in Kenya Distance learning, Full time, Evening, Part-time, Saturday’s classes Available NB: Our students sit for exams from recognized exam bodies which qualifies them to join any public or private local and international universities EXAM BODIES: KNEC, KASNEB, ABMA, Cambridge International College, ABE, NASCOP, ICDL, INTEL, JP-UK, IATA among others. Register/Apply now for the following courses; Call/SMS 0746616268/ 0728022700, either Day or Night WhatsApp 0742786963/ 0746616250 either Day or Night http://icsnews.ics.ac.ke/ http://jobsforyou.ics.ac.ke/10-things-to-never-say-in-an-interview/ https://www.facebook.com/ICScollege https://www.ics.ac.ke/ics-college-school-of-driving/ https://twitter.com/ICSCollege/status/1392780676181680129?s=20 https://www.tiktok.com/@ics_college?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 http://jobsforyou.ics.ac.ke/5-tips-for-getting-hired/



We have seven major schools namely the School of Hospitality & Languages, School of Beauty & Fashion Design, School of Media Studies, School of Driving Heavy machinery and Plant operator, School of ICT & Engineering, School of Business, and School of Social Sciences.



Enroll with us today at any of our campuses in NAIROBI, KISUMU, NAKURU, MOMBASA, ELDORET, THIKA, and, MACHAKOS.




  1. Call/SMS 0746616268/0728022700, either Day or Night
  2. WhatsApp 0742786963/0746616250
  3. Apply online on our website
  4. Use Facebook inbox (Messenger)
  5. Visit our: NAIROBI Head Office at Stanbank House (Mr. Price building), 3rd Floor, Moi Avenue, Next to Kenya National Archives, NAIROBI.
  6. MOMBASA Branch located at POSTA PENSION TOWERS (GPO), 6th Floor, Along Digo road opposite No Maneno mall, MOMBASA.
  7. KISUMU Branch located at ECO BANK TOWERS, 1st Floor along Oginga Odinga Road, Next to the Roundabout, Opposite Co-operative Bank, Kisumu City CBD.
  8. ELDORET is Branch located at Tiryo Sugarland Plaza (Formerly UCHUMI) 4th floor, Oloo Street, ELDORET Town.
  9. NAKURU Branch is located at STANDARD CHARTERED BUILDING, behind Maasai Market (Adjacent to NCBA Bank) Kenyatta Avenue. Nakuru CBD.
  10. THIKA Branch is located at THIKA BUSINESS CENTER 7th FLOOR (Above NAIVAS Supermarket), Commercial Street, THIKA Town.


Share on WhatsApp / Apply Online-ICS College. The Best College in Kenya


Distance learning, Full time, Evening, Part-time, Saturday’s classes Available


NB: Our students sit for exams from recognized exam bodies which qualifies them to join any public or private local and international universities


EXAM BODIES: KNEC, KASNEB, ABMA, Cambridge International College, ABE, NASCOP, ICDL, INTEL, JP-UK, IATA among others.


Register/Apply now for the following courses;


Call/SMS 0746616268/ 0728022700, either Day or Night

WhatsApp 0742786963/ 0746616250 either Day or Night















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