Group Facilitation Skills enable learners to learn the basics of group facilitation, including the international core values and ethics of facilitation, as well as procedural, behavioural, and problem solving techniques that comprise a group facilitation & tool kit. Good group skills are becoming an imperative skill in today’s fast-paced collaborative work environment. This course is based on the premise that the best (and only) way to develop or improve these skills is through reflective and deliberative practice. Effective group facilitation saves time, balances participation, and improves both productivity and quality as well as provides clearer commitments, accountability and better time management. The course target: managers, executives, trainers, consultants, team leaders and project managers, and others who facilitate groups. The course build on natural strengths, adding new awareness and skill as a facilitator, enable facilitators to learn and practice 16 different “facilitator moves” to respond to a variety of situations as well as find out how body language has even more of an impact than the words in presentation.
- The Qualities of High-Performance Teams and Effective Groups
- 16 Facilitator Moves — self-assessment and learning plan
iii. Rapport and “sensory acuity” to be able to notice and use people’s signals
- Handling confrontation, difficult groups and challenging questions
- Managing diversity: How to accommodate all learning/listening styles
- Effective use of space* and visual aids such as flipchart, whiteboard, transparencies and projection systems
vii. Video feedback for accelerated learning: video capture and review of each participant taking their turn at
facilitation practice.
Duration: 3 wks
Course requirement: Open Course.
Amount: 10,000.